Astonishing News Reported by BBC, NBC, NCBI Reveals How The...

Amazing Sage Secret Discovered By Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor Unlocks 99% Mental Magnetic Power...And Turns Your Thoughts Into Reality, Almost Overnight!

A mother is never prepared for her child’s death.

And on 22nd June 2017...

Pacing up and down the emergency room...

My mother heard every parent's worst nightmare.

"Your son suffered a devastating brain injury. And it's worse than we thought Sheila," the doctor said.

I was in a vegetative state. 

Unable to move my limbs.

Or barely get a word out...

And when the doctors told her that 40% of my brain had suffered severe damage...

She knew my life had changed forever.

She knew I would need all the help I could get - just to eat, sleep, walk and live a normal life again.

But to lose my life because of this injury?

That didn't even cross her mind...

Until now...

Yet I thank the heavens for this life-altering experience.

Because while the doctors declared the left side of my brain destroyed...

What they missed was the activation of a hidden switch on the right side of my brain.

A hidden switch once flipped can clear away all your abundance blockages.

Releasing a powerful flow of positive energy into your life.

Allowing you to feel a complete oneness with the Universe.

So you can finally manifest abundance in all areas of your life.

And although this may be hard to believe…

Reports from CBS News, BBC, NBC all reveal how brain injury survivors like

Jason Padget

Derek Amota... 

Daniel Tammet...

And many others…

...have accidentally discovered this God-like power to manifest the life of their dreams...

And as you’re reading this, everyday people are now flipping the switch to instantly end their struggles.

People like Ben from Oklahoma City who messaged me saying:

"This is incredible! I have always had problems coordinating my hands and feet because of an illness since young. Ever since I flipped my switch, I started to be able to coordinate well. I even learnt to play the drum and piano. Learning things now seemed to be a piece of cake to me. I'm so excited and looking forward to everyday!"

People like Kristine from Washington, USA who messaged me saying:

"I have always been low in confidence and my peers are always bullying me. I have contemplated suicide several times but I didn't even have the guts to do it. Right after discovering this information, my life changed 360degree! It seemed as if I've taken a magic pill and I become so high in confidence, everything I do just kept working and all my friends are now in awe of me and respect me so much. 

This is unbelievable. I still can't believe it up to this day and I am so thankful to have discovered this!"

Yuri from Great Britain was practically crying tears of joy...

"The pandemic not only took away my job, it also took away my father. My Mom and I was left to fend for ourselves when he was so cruelly taken away in April 2020. We were just days away from having our electricity cut off when I came across this. It was as if Dad has heard our cries and wanted to bless us.

Since then, things have had a major improvement. I was able to get a high paying job working from home, my boss is extremely nice and appreciative. Things are getting much better and soon, I'll be able to afford the nicer things in life for both myself and my mother. 

Dad, I know you are looking after me and I love you so much. Thanks so giving me the blessings to come across this."

In a few minutes, I will show you how you can do this as well.

But first, let me introduce myself...

Hi, I’m James Dundy and believe me when I say this:

This Is NOT An Accident

The Universe Has Brought You Here For A Reason

You’re destined to be here today.

And the more you keep reading, the more you will figure out why.

Meanwhile - let’s go back 22 months ago.

To the most humiliating moment of my life.

Because while all my friends were getting married, building a loving family and moving into their new houses…

I was moving back to my mother's house.

For as long as I can remember, I tried repeatedly to manifest the life of my dreams.

I read countless books on The Law of Attraction & The Secret.

Followed gurus and bought course after course.

Tried guided meditation, affirmations and visualizations...

Yet I kept failing, again and again.

Ultimately, leaving me jobless, homeless - with nothing to my name but a $55 Amazon gift card and a pack of gum…

To the point, I had to move in back with my mom.

Worst of all...

The longer I stayed there, the more I felt my life energy fading away.

Then on one fateful night, when my mother and I were having dinner....

With my head down, playing with my food all night, unable to eat.

I got up and started walking to my room.

Then the unexpected happened, I slipped!

Hit my head on our piano table and busted my head wide open.

I groggily got up.

“James! James! Are you ok?”

With Blood Dripping Off The Side Of My Ear, I Said “I'm Fine Mom” Then I Collapsed...

Next thing I knew:

I had an out-of-body experience seeing nothing but butterflies around me.

I woke up on the hospital bed, barely able to open my eyes.

I opened my eyes maybe once or twice.

Every time I did, it felt like there were dead weights on my eyelids.

It was agonizing.

The doctor diagnosed me with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

As a result, I couldn’t help but experience brain fogginess.

And the occasional headaches and temporary hearing.

Worst yet…

The doctors said my brain was functioning at a 9-year-old level.

Now my mother was the kind of person who keeps to the sunny side of life.

But I could see her losing hope.

Your Son Could Be Brain Dead For Life”

Yet deep down, I knew the Universe was working through me, for me.

Because every time I went to sleep, I would see the same butterflies in my sleep.

Which always brought me a small measure of peace.

Treatment went on for the next 6 months 

Sadly, we saw little improvement.

My lights were slowly getting dimmer and dimmer until…

My mother transitioned me to intensive rehab for four months. 

It was then things took a turn for the better.

Slowly, day by day, I saw improvements.

I was absolutely flabbergasted because they talked about putting me in a nursing home.

Yet now I could start functioning normally again.

But here’s where it gets completely interesting…

One day I looked at the piano table I hit my head on. 

Every time I looked at it, I hated it.

But this time I had a distinct feeling - as if all my negative emotions were fading away.

Without thinking, I sat at the piano table.

Now I had no musical bone in my body.

Yet somehow my fingers seemed to find the keys by instincts

And to my astonishment, I rippled out notes that were music to my ears.

I never felt so alive!

I sped up the melody - slowed it down...

And let the sweet sounds of the keys hang in the air.

All to end in a powerful crescendo.

When I stopped playing...all I saw with the watery eyes of my mother filled with nothing but tears of joy.

I had no idea what was happening.

But it felt like I tapped into a power hidden deep inside of me.

As if...

A Hidden Vault Opened Deep Within My Mind

I couldn't believe it.

I unlocked a gift I had no idea about.

And I felt freer than ever before.

Like the burdens of life finally lifted off my shoulders.

I could virtually feel negative energy dissolving from my body.

As a rush of positive energy surged through every fiber of my being.

And the more limiting beliefs melted away, the more I became in tune with the Universe.

I felt deeply CONNECTED to myself, my loved ones and all living things around me.

Even more:

Perhaps for the first time in my life…

I was in complete control of my life.

And I was finally walking down the path destined for me.

So much so...

The emotions of feeling like the World's biggest loser felt like lifetimes ago.

I mean - I could already feel my mind not only healing but becoming ten times powerful.

But when I attracted “external” manifestations like money, my dream house and job into my life...

When I turned my wildest thoughts into reality

I knew I was awakening...

A Mental Magnetic Power To Attract Anything You Want

I was attracting abundance to my life so fast - I started having serious doubts if this was all real.

And how could I not have doubts?

Especially when I tried everything on God’s green earth to manifest the life I want…

I’m talking about affirmations, meditations, visualizations.

If you’re reading this, then you can probably relate.

But hold on just a sec...

Why was I having success this time around?

What was so different now?

How was I able to easily manifest everything I wanted using nothing but my mind?

I just knew it had something to do with the accident and I had to find out more.

So I searched for terms like “gift” and “brain injury” relentlessly on Google - day in and day out.

Until I stumbled upon something very startling.

Because although this is right under your nose…

Only A Handful Of People Are Tapping Into This Power

In ultra-rare cases…
Ordinary people who suffered from a traumatic brain injury opened a “special part” of their brain and suddenly develop almost-superhuman new abilities.

Take for instance Jon Sarkin. 

Jon was living a boring life.

And almost overnight, he tapped into his dormant gift as an artist and became celebrated as… 

The Chiropractor Who Turned Into A World-Renowned Artists

He became an overnight sensation and instantly started attracting wealth to him.

GQ, Vanity Fair and other media outlets became drawn to his art.

And soon enough - his life took a turn for the better as his paintings started being featured on The New Yorker and The New York Times.

He was living the life of his dreams.

Selling his painting in private galleries for thousands and making a living off his passion

And then there’s the case of Jason Padget.

He went from...

A Sleazy Futon Salesperson To A Math Genius

“I was very rotated around girls, partying, drinking, waking up with a hangover and then going out and chasing girls and going out to bars again.” - Jason said.

Yet after being healed from a brain injury

He found his true calling in life

Because the Universe unlocked his latent ability to compute mathematical structures - making him a math genius.

Even more…

He attracted wealth around him

As he quickly inked himself a lucrative book deal

And gained traction from Nightline and other magazines and news outlets.

Or let’s take the case of Derek Amato

The Man Who Finally Stopped Failing In Life

After working several tedious jobs like selling cars, delivering mail, doing public relations…

Derek chased the glitz and the glamour...

Auditioning for the television show American Gladiators yet failed the pull-up test.

He'd opened a sports-management company, handling marketing and endorsements for mixed-martial-arts fighters...

Which all went to bust.

Yet the Universe gave him a second chance at life to attract a life of abundance, with ease.

I couldn’t believe what I discovered...

Tons of everyday people were awakening their genuine gifts and manifesting the life they wanted.
And it all became abundantly clear to me:

Once you open up a “special part” of your brain, you’ll unlock your hidden talents hidden deep inside of you and magically attract the life you want.

And by some crazy act of God…

Just like the cases above, I not only awoke my gift for music but I could…

Unlock Almost 100% Mental Magnetic Power...And Turn My Thoughts Into Reality, Almost Overnight!

I just had to find out how anybody can unlock almost 100% of their mental magnetic power...without suffering severe brain damage.

And upon burning the midnight candle, I finally found what I was looking for.

I discovered a doctor by the name of Darold Treffert.

Dr. Treffert has spent his entire lifetime studying rare cases where brain injury survivors suddenly gain magical gifts.

In fact, his work has appeared on countless publications such as Time, People, Newsweek, USA Today, and Scientific American.1

And it’s all because Dr. Treffert discovered that...

People like myself, Jon and Jason could awaken our latent gifts and attract success because the right side of our brain was more active than most.

And because it was more active than most, we increased our brain power.

And most importantly:

We increased our mental magnetic power! Here’s why.

Because as you may already know…

And as confirmed by Harvard Health Publishing:

The right side of your brain is associated with your intuition, creativity and free thinking.

So the more active the right side of your brain is, the more spiritually in tune you’ll be with yourself and the Universe.

And you probably guessed that the more spiritually in tune you’re, the stronger your mental magnetic power gets.

And the stronger it gets, the easier it becomes to turn your thoughts of living an abundant life into a reality.

In fact…

You can tell this is exactly how Jason, Derek and myself began to attract abundance into our lives, can you not?

Now chances are, you’re very much intuitive, creative and a freethinker.

But because we only use 10% of our brain, there’s still so much left of YOU to discover.

So here’s the bottom line...

If you’re unable to manifest your thoughts of a dream car… a perfect house… a loving partner into reality....

Then you probably have yet to unlock the full power of the right side of your brain.

How then can you unlock this part of your brain to supercharge your mental magnetic power…

So you can begin attracting your heart’s desires?

That’s when the Universe guided me towards Dr. Allen Sydner of the Centre for the Mind.

Dr. Sydner also spent his entire lifetime studying rare cases where brain injury survivors suddenly gain magical gifts.

And what I uncovered was a breakthrough study he conducted.

In his research, he hooked one participant to a device he called…

The creativity-amplifying machine.

The machine produced low frequency magnetic pulses that stimulated your brain to unlock the hidden genius within your mind.

But would it work?

You bet it did!

According to his research, within just 10 minutes of listening to the frequency, the participant displayed genius-like mental abilities.

Just like Jason, Derek and myself

The only difference here is…

He didn’t have to go through a traumatic injury.

Best of all…

He tapped into his artistic side and began drawing a cat with as much detail as an experienced painter.
He was more creative than ever.

There’s no doubt the right side of his brain was more active than ever.

And as you know by now, this meant he was also unleashing his mental magnetic power.

I just couldn’t believe it…

There was a frequency instrument that allowed anybody to unlock almost 100% of their mental magnetic power…

Allowing them to not only awaken their dormant gifts but also turn their mind’s thoughts into reality.

I just had to get my hands on this machine!

But there was just one problem:

Only scientists had access to such cutting-edge technology.

I tried everything possible to get my hands on it, but I always felt short.

But I never gave up because I knew the Universe was on my side.

“I just have to find a way”

I said to myself as I was walking down the street.

That’s when, by some twist of fate...

The Same Butterfly I Saw During My Dreams Flew Past My Nose 

I had to follow it!

It led me to a mystical shop hidden behind a building.

I felt a powerful pull to it and as soon as I entered…

I saw what I was looking right there in my face.

It was an ancient-looking mp3 audio recorder.

I asked the shop master to tell me all about it...

He said it came from Tibet just yesterday (talk about divine timing.)

And that it was an audio track made by Tibetan Monks.

Who used a Tibetan Singing Bowl to produce the tunes heard in the audio track.

And it played what Tibetan Monks call “Manifestation Frequencies.”

Then all the hair on my skin stood up!

“Manifestation Frequencies?” I wondered…

I had no proof - only faith.

But I knew right there and then this was the instrument to unlock anyone’s mental magnetic power.

So I bought it on the spot and did all the research I could on it.

And you wouldn’t believe what I found:

Tibetan Monks had been using this “manifestation frequency” for over 40,000 years.

And now science is just catching up.

Because Sage Journals reported a study done on sixty-two women with an average age of 49.

The studies examined the effects the Tibetan Singing Bowl had and get this:

All sixty-two women reported a sense of spiritual well-being.

I had a hunch, and what do you know…

There were countless studies to back up my claim.

I tell you, when stuff like that happens in your life, that’s when you know the Universe is on your side.
But up till now, I was being guided by the Universe.

Yet it was time to test out my theory and see real-life magic happen to everyday people.

I wanted everyone to experience what I was going through for the past few months.

So I had to test it out on someone other than me.

And who other than my beloved mother.

Now being completely honest with you:

The first 2 times she listened to it, she didn’t feel a change.

She actually thought it was an enormous waste of time and money.

I almost gave up on this hunch of mine.

But after everything I had been through - I knew the Universe wanted me to press on

So I told her to listen for the 3rd time.

And to let go of all resistance and allow the Universe to flow through her.

Then something miraculous happened.

The next day, she texted me and said:

Hey Jamie, something incredible just happened!

I just got a call from my boss and he said that my recent performance at work was fantastic, and he decided to promote me to the manager role!

Not only that, he gave me a one-time bonus of $5,000! And it's not stopping there!

I decided to test my luck and bought a lotto ticket and guess what... I won myself the prize of $12,000. This is incredible! 

I'll continue listening to the tune you've given me and see where it gets me! Love you son!

I couldn’t believe it.

I was so excited; I listened to it myself.

I mean - I already experience success in manifesting my thoughts into reality but...

This completely sped up my manifestations

Miraculous things kept happening in my life over and over.

Whenever I needed money...

I somehow found money in the most random places...

Inside my couch, my side pockets, and even on the streets while I was walking...

Heck! My bank even called me saying they owe me a check for $3,033.

I had no idea where it came from, but hey, who am I to deny what the Universe has blessed me with?

But it got better!

Because within the first week, I manifested a $3,000 monthly contract.

Then I manifested a $12,000 two-month speaking contract to tell the world about my story.

The amazing part all happened in just a week!

By the end of the first month, I was making well over $10,000…

Which has grown by 11% every single month since.

Best of all - as I’m speaking to you now...

A beautiful black Mercedes AMG GT with white leather sits in my driveway.

And because you’re still here, I want you to get your dream car as well.

Along with the house and everything you ever dreamed of.

In fact, I wanted the entire world to experience it so badly…

I made a few people I know listen to it.

And man can I tell you - they couldn’t stop blowing up my email.

Just look at what 2 of them said:

Can you believe that? 

Everyday people from all walks of life are flipping the switch to unlock their full manifestation powers.

And just like them…

You can begin manifesting exactly what you want in your life, when you want!

And all you’ve to do is listen to the Tibetan singing tune for only 7 minutes a day.

And since you’re still reading, you’re only minutes away from tapping into the highest level of true wealth.

More on that later - but for now, let’s get back to the story.

So my brain had fully healed and turned into an abundance magnet

Attracting unexpected streams of abundance from various sources - in all areas of my life!

Best of all…

I Had Enough Money To Live Out My Heart’s Desires

So the day had come when I had to leave my mother’s nest.

And this time, I was 100% confident I was going to take the world by storm

I even purchased my dream home.

And made plans to visit exotic destinations like the Bamboo Forest in Japan... The Eastern Island in Chile... the Eiffel Tower in Paris and many others.

And it’s all because I had the magical Tibetan Singing Tune to effortlessly attract more money than I could ever dream of - repeatedly.

Yet I was leaving, my mother said:

“I’m so proud of you, honey. You were practically at rock bottom and now in a blink of an eye, you’ve your own place, car and made something out of your life.”

I froze!

And when I looked at my timepiece, it was 3:33pm when my mother’s words pierced through my heart.
I knew it was a clear sign.

After opening up the “secret vault” in my brain, I turned my life around.

And I knew there were many others suffering in silence.

Who deserved to live a life of freedom, joy, wealth and prosperity.

But just didn’t know how to tap into their God-given right for an abundant life.

So I couldn’t rest.

I had to get the Savant Activation Code in the hands of as many people as possible.

And after working with world-renowned holistic sound engineers and spending check after check just to get the tune right…

I present to you...

The Savant Activation Code Program

So the day had come when I had to leave my mother’s nest.

And this time, I was 100% confident I was going to take the world by storm

I even purchased my dream home.

And made plans to visit exotic destinations like the Bamboo Forest in Japan... The Eastern Island in Chile... the Eiffel Tower in Paris and many others.

And it’s all because I had the magical Tibetan Singing Tune to effortlessly attract more money than I could ever dream of - repeatedly.

Yet I was leaving, my mother said:

“I’m so proud of you, honey. You were practically at rock bottom and now in a blink of an eye, you’ve your own place, car and made something out of your life.”

I froze!

And when I looked at my timepiece, it was 3:33pm when my mother’s words pierced through my heart.
I knew it was a clear sign.

After opening up the “secret vault” in my brain, I turned my life around.

And I knew there were many others suffering in silence.

Who deserved to live a life of freedom, joy, wealth and prosperity.

But just didn’t know how to tap into their God-given right for an abundant life.

So I couldn’t rest.

I had to get the Savant Activation Code in the hands of as many people as possible.

And after working with world-renowned holistic sound engineers and spending check after check just to get the tune right…

I present to you...

This Breakthrough Program Is Divided Into 3 Parts, Based On Cutting-Edge Neuroscience, All Designed To Help You In Intentional Creation...

Module #1: From the moment you gain instant access to our exclusive member’s area, you’ll crack open...

The Savant Activator 

This is the same tune used by myself, my mother and the many others who were able to get real-world results…

Yet it will be in your hands.

You can imagine how having access to this program will:

Clear up old life-sucking blockages to give way to glowing, vibrant energy.

​Uniquely position yourself to accomplish great things in life

​Tap into your highest level of financial abundance.

And as you absorb this information, you can’t help but feel like a kid in the candy store.

Because you’ll begin telling the Universe exactly what you want, and it will be hand-delivered to you.

Module #2: You’ll then journey into your very own...

Savant Orbit Transformation

Where you’ll open the doorway of your mind to the deepest of abundance. 

You’ll be fully charged with a brain-boosting power that’ll sync your mind to the universe.

So that you can manifest your joyful thoughts into this physical realm.

Simply click play, sit back and let the track do the heavy lifting for you.

Module #3: And if you failed to manifest in the past, this is exactly what you need…

The Savant Handbook on Destiny, Purpose & Your Future

You have wasted enough time with “Manifestation” products that brought you no results.

With this Handbook, we’ll take you step by step, through the exact process we developed to help people get all the info they need to be successful.

This’re almost guaranteed to make your manifestation work - this time around and for the rest of your lifetime... 

You’re minutes within reach of stepping into your true power - where you’ll put in less effort and get so much out of life.

All in as little as 7 minutes a day.

Once you get started, your only job is to sit back, press play and let the program do its job.

The miracle-working power of this program will update the hard-drive of your mind.

Clearing away “abundance blocks” while replacing them with new, positive beliefs and habits.

I’m telling you this now…

Just listening to this audio program - in as little as 7 minutes a day - will do wonders for you.

And you’ll be shocked (just like many others) how easily and quickly you attract what you want.

Better yet...

The more you listen, the more you’re destined to get money (without fail.)

And all you’ve to do is press play, sit back and watch how your life takes a turn for the best... all in as little as 7 minutes/day.

The best part is...

There are no books to read

​No expensive courses to study

​No expensive courses to study

This is exactly what you’ve (subconsciously)

been searching for. 

The Savant Activation Code gives you the answer to why you failed to manifest in the past.

It barely takes long for this to work.

So you get to see quick, easy results, sometimes in as little as 7 minutes a day.

PLUS you get to open the vault hidden deep within your mind.

So you can instantly leap into a life of riches.

No longer will you stress about paying your bills…

Or fear losing everything you have in life

With The Savant Code, you get to sit back and attract everything that’s near & dear to your heart.

This Is Real-Life Magic 
Listen To What Others Are Saying...

"This is crazy! I've never cooked my whole life... Yet, after going through the program. It seemed like a spark just happened and I suddenly got the urge to head to the kitchen and cook myself a meal. Fast forward 3 months later, I've already won 2 cooking competition and is planning to open up a small restaurant. It's as if I've had this talent hidden within me all along!"

 - Michael Rodgers, 44, Texas USA

"I was working in a car dealership and I always had the worst sales record every month. My colleagues looked down on me and my boss is always threatening to fire me. Left with no choice, I decided to take a leap of faith and try out the Savant Activation Code.

Just 1 week after trying it out, it was as if something just clicked within me. I suddenly knew just how to talk to my customers and what exactly they want. From then, I managed to become top sales for four consecutive months! And now I'm thinking about opening my own car dealership shop. Fingers crossed! I'm so blessed to have came across this!"

 - Alessandra Kinsley, 52, Ontario CA

"I was recently divorced from my scumbag cheating husband. He was even granted custody of my two boys because he earns much more than me. I was already prepared to give up when I chance upon this. 

Just going through this for 7days, I suddenly felt like I know what I needed to do. I decided to fight back for the custody and called up my ex-husband. When he picked up, it was as if I had transformed into a lawyer. I spoke till he was speechless and finally relented. We'll be having another discussion very soon and I already know what I need to do. Thank you so much and I will be updating you with good news soon!"

 - Angela Rose, 38, United Kingdom

Now given everything you’ve discovered today…

I’m sure you’re wondering how you can get your hands on this audio program as fast as possible - along with how often you should use the product for best results.

Unfortunately, “opposing forces” are trying to stop this program from reaching the masses.

That’s why I’m going to show you how you can get your hands on The Savant Code - in case this page gets taken down.

Now because tons of people are using this to manifest multiple thousands of dollars…

This can easily be worth $3,000…

But since my calling is to help as many people like me…

People who understand how terrible life can be when you’re living in crippling scarcity…

I’ve priced it as low as possible.

This way, you can have the tool to manifest your heart’s desire...without breaking the bang.

That’s why I’m not even charging $1,000 or even $500

Today...when you choose to leap into a life of abundance...your investment is only $37

Now if you want to finally remove all “abundance blockages” then this is a steal!

And if you want to flip the hidden switch in your brain…

That will automatically attract abundance in all areas of your life, then…

Simply Say "YES" to 
The Savant Activation Code Program Now!

         Regular Price: $197

Today: $37!

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You'll be guided to a page where you'll enter your information.

Once you do, you'll get instant access to our exclusive member's area.

Plus, you won't have to wait at all.

You'll be able to use The Savant Activation Code right away.

And just so you know...

You'll have total security and protection.

That's because we have partnered up with ClickBank - a platform that provides encryption and security for your transactions.


I’m going to include 3 amazing bonuses when you complete your order today.

I want you to have the simple yet powerful switch to activate your Hidden Savant's Talent.

You're going to love them.

Bonus 1: Dreams & Meanings (Value $47)

We know that all humans, and many animals, dream every night, and humans have always been fascinated to learn what causes dreams and what they mean.

With your dream journal in place, you have lots of material to work with to use the guidance of experts in the field of the subconscious to interpret what your dreams are communicating.

Armed with real information, you really can "get to the bottom" of your dream life once and for all.

Bonus 2: Miracles in Your Life (Value $37)

Nowadays, many things are considered miracles such as surviving a big disaster like a tsunami, earthquake, fire or car crash. Surviving stage 4 cancer way beyond the estimated time that one is supposed to live is also a miracle.

When there are problems, complications or threats, people pray to God. Surpassing these trials against all odds will then be seen as an answer to their prayers and thus a miracle.

This Book Will Show You Exactly What What You Need To Do To Understand All About Miracles!

Bonus 3: The Manifesto on Abundance  (Value $37)

Dive straight into first creating the NEW YOU, where you’ll go on an epic journey of self-discovery and dig deep to realize your greatest desires, passions and goals in life.

 You’ll find yourself thrilled with so much excitement and energy as you go through the entire session. This is customized to elicit almost immediate results, FAST.

And you’ll gain MASTERY of your inner world and realize how easy it’ll be to overcome adversity and crush your obstacles to the ground. 

As you can see, these powerful bonuses have the power to change your life drastically.

They are valued at $352… but when you complete your order today, you’ll get instant access to these bonuses - for absolutely free.

  • The Savant Activator Tune
  • Savant Orbit Transformation
  • Savant Activator Handbook
  • Dreams & Meanings
  • Dreams & Meanings
  • Manifesto on Abundance
  • [Value $97]
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  • [Value $37]
  • [Value $47]
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Total Value: $352

         Regular Price: $197

Today: $37!

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

When you add the discounted price of The Savant Activation Code plus the free gifts valued at $240…

You can tell how much of a steal this is, can you not?

But don’t push this to the back burner. You must act now.

Plus, you have nothing to worry about because you will have my...

60-Days Universal Guarantee

You have nothing to lose with my 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

I have poured out my heart and soul to you. 
I have shouted to the rooftops what this product has done for me (as well as others.)

Now I want you to experience it for yourself. Risk-free for a whopping 60 Days.

This is my ironclad promise:

You MUST see, feel and experience a dramatic improvement in all areas of your life - especially your financial life...or this program is absolutely FREE!

You must see, feel and experience the miracle power of The Savant Code.

I want you to be shocked in amazement as you watch abundance flood every area of your life.

In some cases, your manifestation will appear in the next 24 hours.

And I put my money where my mouth is by guaranteeing you’ll have similar(if not the same) results.

Otherwise, quickly send over an email and I’ll immediately send you a full refund for every penny you paid - with no questions asked and no explanations necessary.

Better yet, even if you do request a refund, you can keep every one of the FREE gifts you’ll received.- worth $352 in value.

The Savant Activation Code Program

  • The Savant Activator Tune
  • Savant Orbit Transformation
  • Savant Activator Handbook
  • Dreams & Meanings
  • Dreams & Meanings
  • Manifesto on Abundance
  • [Value $97]
  • [Value $97]
  • [Value $37]
  • [Value $47]
  • [Value $37]
  • [Value $37]

Total Value: $352

         Regular Price: $197

Today: $37!

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

So doesn’t it make sense to accept these FREE bonuses while you still can?

I want you to order now to claim this generous offer.

Join me now and take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime deal.

If you’re tired of manifestation products failing you again and again, take action right this second.

         Regular Price: $197

Today: $37!

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

In the brief time we’ve had together:

I have shown you that the right side of your brain is associated with your intuition, creativity and free-thinking.

I have shown you that the more active the right side of your brain is, the more spiritually in tune you’ll be with yourself and the Universe.

And as you know, the more spiritually in tune you’re…

The stronger your mental magnetic power gets.

And the stronger it gets, the easier it becomes to turn your thoughts of living an abundant life into a reality.

You have seen firsthand how this process has helped Jason, Derek and myself attract abundance into our lives.

And you have seen how everyday people like you are manifesting multiple thousands of dollars…

And attracted abundance in all areas of life!

So would it not be wise to try The Savant Code (risk-free) for the next 60days?

So you can attract more money, love, peace, joy and breeze through life?

I’m telling you this now:

This is the key to finally make manifestation work for you!

You know the Universe has brought you here because you’re ready to break through your financial curses and life burdens.

For a lifetime, you’ve been inching and crawling for an opportunity like this…

Now the key is in your hands.

Since we see eye-to-eye on this…

Why not test-run The Savant Code for the next 60-days?

Mark my words…

It MUST change your life! Or your money back!

And if for any reason, it doesn’t change your life, you can easily get 100% of your money back - No ifs, and, or butts.

So click below right away and begin the first step to the rest of your life.

Please - I want to see you on the other side of poverty.

Don’t let any second go by where you’re stressed, doubtful and fearful.  

Take life by the horns and order now.

You are only seconds away ..

The Savant Activation Code Program

  • The Savant Activator Tune
  • Savant Orbit Transformation
  • Savant Activator Handbook
  • Dreams & Meanings
  • Dreams & Meanings
  • Manifesto on Abundance
  • [Value $97]
  • [Value $97]
  • [Value $37]
  • [Value $47]
  • [Value $37]
  • [Value $37]

Total Value: $352

         Regular Price: $197

Today: $37!

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

P.S. If someone told you there was a treasure worth over $100,000 hidden right under your nose - and he’d lead you to it….would you let him?

We...that’s exactly what I am asking of you right now.

I can guide you to abundance that’s hidden deep within you and help you unlock it.

You get to stop struggling, working, and wishing for money and have as much as you want and need.

You get to tap into your God-given wealth creation power and create success - even in chaotic times.

If I'm right, you'll be better off for the rest of your life. And if you’re not satisfied with The Savant Activation Code, I’ll refund you every single penny.

It’s a win-win for you either way!

So click the button below and I will see you on the other side.

         Regular Price: $197

Today: $37!

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.


"I don’t have a lot of extra time, will this program still be effective for me?"

Definitely. It happened to me back when I was at the lowest period of my life and I believe it will do the same for you too.

There are no books to read, no courses to study, no exercises you must practice before you see results.

The Savant Activation Code Program serve a single purpose. To stimulate your brain to unlock the hidden genius within your mind.

Simply put… if you have an extra 5 seconds to push that play button before you close your eyes… then you can do this.

"Other courses didn't work for me. Will the Savant Code Program work?"

Great question!

These other programs often fail because they focus too much on your subconscious brain - the physical part of your body.

The Savant Activation Code program uses a frequency instrument that allowed anybody to unlock almost 100% of their mental magnetic power

With that done, you will not only awaken your dormant gifts but also turn your mind’s thoughts into reality.

How can I be sure my personal information and credit card details are secure?

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Which also means you can rest assured that your personal information is fully secured.

"How does the 60-day money-back guarantee work?"

It’s very simple:

If you don’t LOVE your magical transformation for ANY reason, I will give you a full refund.

Seriously, I won’t even ask you “why” you want your money back.

I want to do everything I can to help you reach your transformation… so I’m taking 100% of the risk here.

I’m extending my hand to you.

All you have to do is say “YES!”

So, go-ahead…

Try The Savant Activation Code Program out for yourself and experience your life-changing transformation starting TODAY!

How long will I have access to this program?

Once you purchase The Savant Activation Code program you’ll have lifetime access to the program. All components of the program are immediately downloadable so you can listen to it at your leisure.


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